特別為考生提供TKT Module 1 考前密集培訓。
讓你輕鬆Band 4 無壓力
本培訓課程以 國際英文證照 TKT Module 1 應考技巧指導為主。
10/14: 09:30-16:30 TKT 背景知識培訓
10/21: 09:30-16:30 TKT 解題技巧訓練
With TKT, you show employers that you:
are familiar with different teaching methodologies
know how to use teaching resources effectively
understand key aspects of lesson planning
can use different classroom management methods for different needs
TKT--a test of professional knowledge for English language teachers
TKT「劍橋英語師資認證」是劍橋大學考試委員會為針對英語教師教學知識的國際證照。目的在於測試英語教師的專業教學知識,而非英語教師的語言能力。其內容主要檢定全球各級教學機構、英語為母語或非母語教師所具備的教學專業知識及能力。雖然沒有任何報考資格限定,但為了成功通過此項認證,建議考生仍需具備足夠的英語能力(如IELTS 4.0)並熟悉專業英語教學的概念。
TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test )
Module 1 : Language and background to language learning and teaching
This module tests your knowledge of the terms and concepts of English language teaching.
It focuses on the factors underpinning the learning of English.
Module 2: Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
This module focuses on the knowledge and skills you need to plan a lesson or a series of lessons.
This module also refers to assessment and focuses on resources that can guide you in your lesson planning.
Module 3: Managing the teaching and learning process
This module tests:
•knowledge of what happens in the classroom during language learning
•the teacher’s role in classroom management
•methods used to manage and make the most of interactions in the classroom.
Module YL:
TKT: Young Learners is a test of the knowledge of the strategies and skills required to teach young learners.
TKT: Young Learners is ideal if you are an international teacher working in primary education.
TKT: Young Learners tests the background knowledge related to teaching young learners of between 6–12 years of age.
It also tests understanding of planning lessons, different teaching strategies and assessing learning.
本培訓課程以 TKT Module 1應考技巧指導為主。
10/14: 09:30-16:30 TKT 背景知識訓練
10/21: 09:30-16:30 TKT 解題技巧訓練