第一部份是介紹Tim本身的藝術作品及世界各地有關聯的剪紙藝術。此課程主要是幫助同學,對於剪紙藝術有一個完整/ 客觀/ 基礎的概念。
第二部份則是教授剪紙方法, 包括: 如何折紙, 切割, 拼貼等技術,創作自己的作品。
Session 1
An introduction to Tim’s paper cutting art and his influences followed by a look at traditional and contemporary paper cutting from around the world.
Practical session #1. This will introduce the students to simple paper folding and cutting using scissors. Techniques to develop greater creativity will be shown. Students will explore paper cutting using different sizes and kinds of paper.
Practical session #2. Paper cut design. Paper cuts require very careful design in order to make sure they do not fall apart. Students will design a paper cut with the emphasis being on creating a well-structured and imaginative design. This will also allow us to explore the effects of symmetry on the overall design.
Session 2
An introduction to the language of line and marks in paper cutting. There are certain lines and shapes artists use that are used to show light and dark, form, shape, line and texture.
Practical session #3. This session will introduce cutting with a knife. The students practice using a knife to cut out different kinds of lines and shapes.
(Optional Activity:- students design and cut their own butterfly design.)
Creative session: Students design and cut their own paper cuts. This is a very open activity where students work independently. Tim will provide consultation where necessary.
Wrap up activity: Students will display and share their paper cuts with the whole group. This will be done as a mini exhibition / discussion.
1. 新生開課日七天前完成報名,享學費優惠95折。
2. ILI舊生享學費優惠9折。
3. 【ILI文大校友優惠價】中國文化大學在校生、校友,報名ILI國際語文中心語文課程,可享9折優惠價 (優惠課程不含: 中英/中日口筆譯課程、成人英語師資培訓班、日本語教師養成班、日本導遊證照班)。