1.協助有教學經驗的老師, 透過國際教學知識的導讀及應用,增強教學職能需求
2.特別為現任英語老師, 為取得國際CELTA 劍橋英語教學證照的輔導準備.
※本課程共4 modules。每個module週數均為6週/48小時。課程包括:36小時實體上課+7小時CELTA on-line影片學習+5小時實體觀課技巧訓練。
※本課程共4 modules (四個模組)。每個module (模組) 均為48小時。課程包括:36小時實體上課+7小時CELTA on-line影片學習+5小時實體觀課技巧訓練。
※CELTA on-line影片學習及實體觀課,均需繳交Homework。
※ 4 modules(四個模組),共192小時。可完成CELTA course book 研讀。
1. 適合有意願唸CELTA,但認為自我能力尚未達到CELTA要求的成人英語教學講師。
2. 適合十分渴望提昇自我教學能力的成人英語教學講師,但礙於實際環境,無法出國唸書者。
※Module 1 模組一
1. Who are the learners?
2. Learners as individuals
3. Foreign landguage lesson
4. Classroom management
5. Presenting vocabulary
6. Presenting grammar(1)
7. Presenting grammar(2)
8. Practising new langugage
9. Eroor correction
10. Developing listening skills
Module 2 模組二
11. Developing reading skills
12. Presenting language through texts
13. Developing speaking skills
14. Developing writing skills
15. Integrating skills
16. Lesson planning: design and staging
17. Lesson planning: defining aims
18. Alternative approaches to lesson design
19. Planning a scheme of work
20. Motivating learners
Module 3 模組三
21. Teaching different levels
22. English for Special Purposes
23. Teaching literacy
24. Monitoring and assessing learning
25. Teaching exam classes
26. Choosing and using teaching resources
27. Introduction to language analysis
28. Tense and aspect
29. Meaning, form and use: the past
30. Expressing future meaning
Module 4 模組四
31. Modality
32. Conditionals and hypothetical meaning
33. Language fuctions
34. The noun phrase
35. The sounds of English
36. Stress, rhythm and intonation
37. Teaching pronunciation
38. Vocabulary
39. Text grammar
40. Professional development and finding a job
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