📣This course is taught in English, welcome to Ayurveda Yoga.
📣All are welcome to join us.
👉This course is for dance, sports, martial arts, body massage, etc. Those with poor physical condition or diseases (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, spinal or other physical diseases, etc.) and those who are pregnant should avoid it. Participants in this course are responsible for their own responsibility if they suffer from physical discomfort due to chronic illness or the aforementioned conditions.
📣一般社會大眾 📣忙碌的上班族 📣肢體僵硬對瑜伽望而卻步者 📣男女老少皆可練習
👉Class canceled on 03/13. 👉Please bring your own: yoga mat, water bottle, towel. 👉Please wear casual, sweat-absorbent clothing to class. 👉This course is for dance, sports, martial arts, body massage, etc. Those with poor physical condition or diseases (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, spinal or other physical diseases, etc.) and those who are pregnant should avoid it. Participants in this course are responsible for their own responsibility if they suffer from physical discomfort due to chronic illness or the aforementioned conditions. 👉If you discomfort during class, please immediately notify the teacher. Do not continue attending the class.👉本期課程遇:03/13(老師請假)停課
👉本期課程遇:03/13(老師請假)停課 👉本課程學員請自備:瑜珈墊、水杯、小毛巾。 👉上課請穿著輕鬆、吸汗的衣著。 👉本課程為舞蹈、運動、武術、身體按摩…等類課程,身體狀況不佳或患有疾病(例如:高血壓、心臟病、脊椎或其他身體疾病者...等)及懷孕者請勿參加,若參加本課程者因宿疾或前述狀況而造成身體不適,須自行負責。 👉上課中若產生身體不適之狀況,請立即通知老師或課程負責人員處理,切勿勉強上課。
【以上師資、課程內容、時間及場地等,本單位保留變更之權利。】 【額滿停招課程如欲申請候補資格,請於諮詢功能中留下聯絡資料。】